Mr. Kiss and Tell by Rob Thomas

veronicaAhhh..just as satisfying as watching another VM movie, or several episodes of the show. It does tend to read a little screenplay-y, script-y, but that’s ok because I’m really watching it in my head as I read it. I’m delighted with this series and sure hope #3 is in the works.
This one was especially interesting because outside of the case Veronica is working (the main plot) the book also wraps up some stuff from the movie/previous book.

The Thousand Dollar Tan Line by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham

VMYou might already know that not only am I a huge Veronica Mars fan, but also a big fan of Rob Thomas back when he wrote YA. So when news came out that a book was coming out as a follow up to the movie I was pretty psyched. Although I received this for my birthday I managed to put off reading it until this week-when I raced right through it. It was super!! Basically, it was like reading an episode (well, maybe more like 2 or 3) of the show. Written exactly as the tv/movie dialogue is, same style mystery and solve, etc. As I read I saw the entire thing in my head.  Which, as a fan of the series, is exactly what I wanted. There were many pages in the beginning that were really exposition for anyone who hasn’t seen the show or movie, and if you haven’t it’s very easy with all of that to be caught right up.  There were many character and story mentions from way back in the show, which is also a nice treat for fans, while not being confusing for those who haven’t seen it. The only teeny tiny disappointment for me was that I felt I could tell it wasn’t just Rob Thomas writing-it just didn’t have quite the same feeling as his previous books and I could tell it was heavily co-written. But that’s ok! And, not a disappointment, but kind of weird-the title isn’t especially relevant to the story (which is about two girls who vanish during Spring Break.)
I hope that this becomes a long running mystery series with a book a year. I could easily see it being a very Sue Grafton/Kinsey Milhone detective type of series.

Great mystery, the snappy clever Veronica attitude and dialogue I’ve come to expect, and I liked how it picked up after the movie and furthered along her story. There were also some great surprises in here, dramatic moments, red herrings, and overall a good story.

I can’t wait for the next one!