Sorta Like a Rock Star by Matthew Quick

I’ve been slowly reading a very long book and along the way have stopped to read a couple fast paced books that caught my interest. This was one of them and I plowed through it quite quickly since I couldn’t put it down.  In fact, the end found me reading it in the bathroom while my kids took their bath and having to leave the bathroom because I was crying.  Yep, this one’s a tear jerker.

Amber Appleton is homeless, poor, sleeping on a school bus, a misfit, daughter of an alcoholic loser, but she is a “hope spreader”-that rare person who can cheer others on seemingly tirelessly, who champions good causes, who is truly through and through a good person with a great heart.  Because her mother is really just a terrible mother Amber has turned (for years) to her friend Ricky’s mother, Donna.  Continue reading